Materialise and Formlabs collaborate on 3D printing system for hospitals

Materialise, and Formlabs, a respective leader in the 3D printing industry, are collaborating to deliver a complete, cost-effective and easy-to-use solution for hospitals looking to start an in-house 3D print lab. The offering combines the Materialise Mimics inPrint medical imaging software with Formlabs’ Form 2 printers. The components of this complete 3D printing package facilitate the implementation of patient-specific care at an affordable price-per-print for quick return on investment.

The financial, educational, and clinical benefits of 3D anatomical models for communication and surgical planning have been documented and discussed for years. However, the perceived barriers to developing an onsite 3D print lab, including setup costs and high costs per part, have deterred some hospitals from employing this emerging technology.

As the use of 3D anatomical models rapidly progresses in the medical field, it has become a standard procedure and valuable tool for communicating complex surgical plans with patients. Once hospitals have adopted on-site 3D printing, they are able to easily scale their operations as demand for anatomical models grows.

