3DP Unlimited (3DP), manufacturer of professional-grade, large-format 3D printers, has partnered with Lease Corporation of America (LCA) to make its 3D printers available to organizations of all sizes at a low monthly price. Effective immediately, the company’s flagship printer, the 3DP1000, which MSRP’s for $20,000, is available to lease for under $400 per month. Leasing periods are 24, 36, 48, and 60 months.
With one of the largest build area’s in the industry (1000 mm x 1000 mm x 500 mm) 3DP1000’s are used for production, prototype and design applications in a range of industries including manufacturing, industrial equipment, aerospace, architecture, construction, retail, furniture, apparel and education. Based on Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), 3DP’s open-source platform gives you the flexibility of using a large range of affordable printing materials, modeling software, technology and hardware upgrades from the ever-expanding materials and developer community. Minimum layer resolution of this printer is 70 microns.
The company’s large-format printers, powered by professional-grade open-source technology, will be on display May 19-21 at RAPID 2015 in Long Beach, CA (Hall A; Booth 738), and June 9-11 at Automation Technology Expo (ATX) East in New York, NY (Booth 2521).
3DP Unlimited