Kubotek Updates Translation and Comparison Tools

K-Compare v4.1, K-Display v4.1.

Kubotek has released enhancements to K-Compare Engineering Change Report software and K-Display in version 4.1. The new version updates CAD translators, offers interface enhancements and includes several new functions.

Updated CAD Translators

CAD file translators used across all Kubotek 4.1 applications have been updated. These now support the latest versions of major CAD formats, including:

  • CATIA V5 and V6 2022(x)
  • NX 2007 series
  • PTC Creo support for 9.0
  • Autodesk Inventor 2023

K-Compare Enhancements

Point-to-face comparison capabilities have been enhanced when reading from Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) data with named point entities. This is highlighted graphically to identify points with deviations from model. In addition, a pass/fail parameter has been added to the automated validation report results.

K-Compare also gains the ability to create angular dimensions in reports based on user selection of two coplanar edges or four coplanar points on a model. You can now also organize differences in early versions of reports. Reports with only a title page will now allow you to change the results tree.

K-Display Enhancements

K-Display View and Convert now allow users to automate the creation of a bill of materials (BOM) table and balloons from an assembly or a set of solid bodies with associated metadata properties. Product marketing information (PMI) in the part tree now also includes tolerance values and datum text.

More Details on K-Revision and K-Display Products

K-Compare is comprised of Revision—for engineering change reports—and Validate—for validating that translated CAD data matches the incoming geometry.

K-Display is comprised of View and Convert, which use all the updated Kubotek 4.1 translation tools to read any type of CAD data available.

K-Compare Revision

K-Compare Revision allows you to quickly identify changes between CAD data geometry. It will produce a visual display of the geometric and PMI differences as well as a written report summarizing all the differences. K-Compare Revision will read data from any CAD source.

Visualization of changes is laid out in a side-by-side manner by color coding original and changed faces or properties and offering a list that identifies the entities involved.

Tools of this sort are of great value within a design organization to verify that the changes made from one version to the next are only changes that are approved through the change request system. In addition, suppliers can use these tools when quoting or manufacturing and receiving multiple revisions of the same parts.

K-Compare Validate

K-Compare Validate is a tool that helps you establish quality compliance of imported and translated data through an independently developed CAD neutral 3D framework. It opens all major CAD data without requiring additional licenses of CAD software. This allows K-Compare Validate to act as an independent and neutral third-party auditor.


K-Display comprises K-Display Convert and K-Display View. Convert is a tool that opens data from proprietary formats and saves it in standard formats without requiring additional CAD software licenses.

The View component allows you to view, read, navigate and measure all major CAD formats on any device, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS platforms.