KeyShot Partners with Onshape

Onshape adds KeyShot Connection to its CAD package, bringing high-quality rendering to the software.

Luxion, the makers of rendering and lighting software KeyShot, has announced that their ray-tracing and global illumination software is now available via plug-in for Onshape, the browser-based CAD program.

Named the KeyShot Connection for Onshape, Luxion’s plug-in will take any model from Onshape and zip it off to a full license of KeyShot, where a the model can be textured, lit and placed within a scene to produce market-ready renderings.

In addition to its ability to hand documents down to KeyShot, the Connection plug-in will also allow users to connect to their Onshape accounts from inside KeyShot, giving users the ability to quickly share renderings with anyone on their Onshape team.

According to Luxion, not only is KeyShot Connection a quick way to realize the real-world appearance of a model, it’s also easy to use. Once an Onshape account is connected in KeyShot, all of a user’s public and private documents will be available to import into the rendering environment. With the click of a button, models can be dropped into a scene, where they can be embellished and animated to create marketing materials or videos to be used in design reviews.

KeyShot Connection is available as a free download through the Onshape app store, which is currently in private beta. To grab an invitation to the app store, head here. Once KeyShot Connection is installed, a KeyShot license will be needed to run the product. KeyShot HD ($995) includes unlimited rendering resolution, while KeyShot Pro ($1,995) includes full KeyShot animation capabilities. Floating licenses, network rendering and KeyShotVR for creating interactive visuals are also available.