Join at the users group conference for 3D printing

It’s a can’t-be-missed event.

AMUG conference interactionFirst things first: The event’s name is Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) Conference, but don’t think for a moment that it excludes 3D printing. This user-focused conference covers all technologies for all applications.

And that is part of the reason why will be attending the April event (Jacksonville, Florida) as a “Gold Sponsor.” The other reason is that we have witnessed the value offered and camaraderie created.  As so many that have attended over the group’s 25-year history have done, we became big believers in and supporters of AMUG.

I’ll be at the AMUG conference for its duration, wearing two hats: AMUG industry advisor and editor. That’ll keep me so busy that we are also sending Kyle Maxey, writer, and John Hayes, president. While I am absorbing a ton of great information for future articles, Kyle will be posting news as it happens, and John will be building relationships.

But if your only information stream is Kyle’s content, you will really be missing out. strongly encourages you to attend this event if you are responsible for or close to your company’s 3D printing efforts.

This truly is a unique event with a distinct personality that you’ll find nowhere else. You won’t find any other gathering with a higher concentration of AM experts and skilled practitioners.

I’m often asked how the AMUG conference is different from other industry events. My short answer is that trade shows and conferences expose you to “What” and “Who.” AMUG is the place you go for “How” with a heavy dose of “Why.”

So check out AMUG’s website and really consider attending. We’ll be there; we hope you will be there too.