Inventor supported on Mac

Autodesk now officially supports Inventor (and AutoCAD and Revit and 3ds max) on Apple Mac. Great title, isn’t it?

And what about e.g. “Autodesk now officially supports Inventor on Acer computers“? Not so great? Any yet both these titles talk about the same thing.

The only support announced by Autodesk is the support for Inventor and AutoCAD running on Mac hardware, not on MacOS. And Intel Macs are just one brand of hundreds of IBM-PC-compatible computers. So if you forget Mac OS X, shell out some money for buying a Windows license, install and configure it on your Mac – yes, then you can run Inventor (plus there is the “Boot Camp” dual boot utility – it allows you to eventually return back to Mac OS).

If you take the fake Acer announcement, such announcement should make more fuss as there are definitely more users of Acer computers than Macs in the CAD area. But strange enough, the Mac-marketing sounds always so “sexy”.

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