Internet of Things Scanner to Give Consumers Security Advice

BullGuard’s free IoT Scanner app tells users which of their things may be at risk.

BullGuard’s free app utilizes an IoT search engine to inform users if they have any devices that are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. (Image courtesy of BullGuard).

BullGuard’s free app utilizes an IoT search engine to inform users if they have any devices that are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. (Image courtesy of BullGuard).

Internet security vendor BullGuard recently released the BullGuard Internet of Things (IoT) Scanner, a tool that allows consumers to check their own connected devices for security threats. The web-based application is free to use and aims to help consumers put their minds at ease.

An IoT Search Engine Helps Ensure Connected Device Security

BulllGuard’s IoT Scanner makes use of, a search engine for devices connected to the Internet. The scanner discovers devices like baby monitors, security cameras, smart TVs and wearables. It determines which of a user’s networked devices may be vulnerable to hackers and creates a summary of its findings.

Knowing which of their things are most vulnerable gives users the opportunity to increase security on their own terms. Even non-technical users can take action, as BullGuard provides a free consumer guide to the IoT, which includes measures to secure connected devices.


Keeping Up With IoT Security

Every new connected device provides a potential attack point for hackers. With IoT devices predicted to number over 30 billion by 2020, there is an increasing need for IoT security. While engineers can take steps to incres the security of their IoT products, BullGuard believes consumers have their own role to play.

“The responsibility for ensuring that connected devices are secure is shared between consumers, manufacturers and security vendors, and it’s important that each does their part,” said BullGuard CEO Paul Lipman. “We have developed the BullGuard IoT Scanner to put consumers in control. It’s fast, easy and free, and offers vital peace of mind.”

This peace of mind is no small matter. A recent survey from Intel Security reveals that users have high expectations for smart technology. While an impressive 77 percent of respondents believe that smart home devices will be as ubiquitous as smartphones by 2025, an astonishing 92 percent of consumers are worried about cybercriminals gaining access to their personal data.

While these statistics stress the need for engineers to make IoT security a priority, perhaps by consolidating various IoT communication protocols, they also highlight the risks all consumers face. BullGuard’s IoT Scanner gives everyday consumers the tools they need to protect themselves.

Engineers can learn more about IoT security with “12 Tips to Convince Users Their IoT System Is Secure.”

Written by

Michael Alba

Michael is a senior editor at He covers computer hardware, design software, electronics, and more. Michael holds a degree in Engineering Physics from the University of Alberta.