Indo-MIM and Desktop Metal to promote metal 3D printing

Desktop Metal announced a strategic partnership with Indo-MIM, a global supplier of Metal Injection Molding (MIM) products. Together, the companies will offer solutions that help companies design and produce metal additively manufactured parts at scale and shorten time to market.

Indo-MIM will use the Production System to deliver metal 3D printed parts to companies spanning the automotive, aerospace, medical, and industrial machinery industries. As a strategic partner, Indo-MIM will become a full-service manufacturing partner for Desktop Metal, providing companies with metal parts
ranging from tens of thousands to one million. Indo-MIM will also offer customers
consulting services around downstream manufacturing and finishing processes.

Powered by Single Pass Jetting technology, the Production System is for mass production. A binder jet technology, the system offers a 100 times speed
improvement over laser-based systems. The Production System prints a range of alloys, including reactive metals such as titanium and aluminum, enabling the use of metal powders that are 80% lower cost than laser powder bed
fusion metals. The Production System is designed around the MIM chemistry and powder supply chain.

Desktop Metal