Import any PCB to any MCAD using ZofzPCB 3D Gerber Viewer

If you need to import an electronic design from production files (Gerbers, drills, ipc-356 test point netlist) to any MCAD, you can use new feature: STEP file export.

A screenshot of eDrawings Viewer, courtesy of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation.

ZofzPCB loads Gerber files automatically, converts the board outline drawing into the bare PCB solid and PCB tracks into optimally constructed faces. Using IPC-356 bare board test point file, ZofzPCB can recreate footprint information and, with little help of the user, construct component 3D models, on the fly.

The resulting STEP AP214 file is constructed as an assembly tree, containing additional information like component designators and, if a BOM file is also loaded, component names/values.

STEP file export was the most often requested feature, by the ZofzPCB users.