Imagine 3D printing more than 12 000 lb of titanium

Despite the pandemic of 2020, a number of additive manufacturing companies have successes to report. For example, Sciaky, Inc., a subsidiary of Phillips Service Industries, Inc. (PSI), announced that users of its Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM) technology deposited more than 12,000 lbs (5,443 kg) of titanium in 2020. This number surpasses previous titanium deposition calendar year marks.

Most of the titanium deposits were in aerospace and defense applications, along with R&D.

Sciaky’s EBAM metal 3D printing system is a wire-based directed energy deposition (DED) process. Wire feedstock is available in titanium, tantalum, tungsten, Inconel, niobium, nickel-copper/copper-nickel, aluminum, molybdenum, zircalloy, and stainless steel. There are benefits to using wire feedstock—it can be less expensive than other 3D printable materials, and is a safer form of material when it comes to metals.

A reminder of EBAM specs:
–A work envelope that ranges from 8 in. (203 mm) to 19 ft (5.79 m) in length.
–Gross deposition rates up to 25 lbs (11.34 kg) of metal per hour.
–IRISS – the Interlayer Real-time Imaging and Sensing System, which is a real-time adaptive control system that can sense and digitally self-adjust metal deposition with precision and repeatability.

Sciaky, Inc.