How to find the maximum tension on a belt in a belt drive system?

How to find the maximum tension on a belt in a belt drive system?


belt stess 9 MN/m^2
belt cross sectional area 1000mm^2

Drive tension is used to determine the maximum load a belt can handle without premature fatigue or failure. The following equation can be used for rough calculations. Please consult Keystone for application assistance when approaching the maximum tension for complex systems.

1. Determine the drive tension (Td) as shown below.

Td = (F x B x L)(2Wb + Wl)
Td = Drive Tension F = Friction Factor (see table below)
Wb = Weight of Belt (lbs per sq. ft.) B = Belt Width (ft)
Wl = Weight of Load on Belt (lbs per sq. ft.) L = Conveyor Length (ft.) (1/2 the belt length)

2. Calculate the drive tension per width of belt by taking the Td figure found in step 1 and dividing by the belt width.

3. If using a belt at an elevated temperature, multiply the maximum allowable tension per foot of width (given in the conveyor specification tables) by a factor from the table below to get the working tension at an elevated temperature.

4. Compare this with the maximum allowable tensio