How Augmented Reality can Improve Manual Automotive Assembly

AR assists workers in manual assembly, handling of robots and design in new Michigan facility.

(Image courtesy OPS Solutions.)

(Image courtesy OPS Solutions.)

Manufacturers are always looking for new ways to improve their efficiency, from introducing advanced and collaborative robotics to connecting in an IIoT network.

OPS Solutions have been developing a way to improve on the human element in the industry, through Light Guide Systems, an augmented reality (AR) software tool that can assist workers in manual assembly, among other applications.

To support this, the company has recently opened a new 10,000 sq. ft. facility in Wixom, Michigan to develop advanced features and find new ways to bring the technology to the factory floor.

Using projectors and cameras over workspaces, Light Guide Systems can assist in parts assembly and training by showing a worker the right steps and placement locations, while recording the process and identifying any issues in real time.

By pairing their AR software with HP’s Sprout desktop computer, more assembly positions than ever can be improved through augmented reality – and you don’t even need a silly looking pair of glasses.

The company’s technology is in use by various automakers and other larger manufacturers in the U.S. The company’s new facility and technology may see their market grow beyond big industry.

“Demand for our augmented reality technology has grown dramatically in the last several years and we are excited to expand operations in Southeast Michigan’s technology corridor,” said OPS Solutions founder, president and CEO Paul Ryznar.

“While our global presence is increasing steadily, it is critical to be part of the strong manufacturing landscape in Detroit and we look forward to growing our partnerships with powerful manufacturers to make factory floors smarter, safer and better with technology.”

(Image courtesy OPS Solutions.)

(Image courtesy OPS Solutions.)

While Light Guide Systems can improve efficiency of human workers, it could also improve an automated workstation. While the robot doesn’t need an overlaid image to know what to do, it would help any humans working with it collaboratively or nearby to know what step is next.

The data collected from the system could also be used in an IIoT enabled facility, to closely identify issues in production and streamline supply and line efficiency.

To learn more about OPS Solutions and Light Guide Systems visit their company website and watch some of their videos on the technology.