HEIDENHAIN Introduces New HMI with Touchscreen Technology

TNC 620 comes standardized as 4-axis control – 5-axis simultaneous operation optional.

HEIDENHAIN recently announced its new compact TNC 620 control, which combines advantages in contouring controls with the latest in touchscreen technology.

Kinetic scrolling allows the operator to navigate quickly through long lists, programs, tables and other content.

Users can also employ a slow, brief swiping movement to scroll over a few lines or a longer and quick movement for faster, dynamic scrolling over many lines. With a tap, the user can stop the dynamic scrolling whenever they please. In the 3D test mode, Users can zoom in and out as well as move and rotate objects with their fingers, in the same way they would manipulate a physical object. A pop-up keyboard overlay is also available for text input.

A newly designed machine control panel MB 721, with or without functional safety, is also available with the touchscreen and features three optional elements that can be assigned to additional keys, key switches or a USB connection and provides potentiometers for feed and spindle speed.

Due to the TNC 620’s workshop-oriented programmability, with conversational or offline programming, it is well-suited for use with universal milling, drilling and boring machines for:

  • Series and single-part production
  • Toolmaking machine building
  • Research and development
  • Prototypes and pilot plants
  • Repair departments
  • Training and education facilities

On the software side of the TNC 620, the large range of standard cycles for milling, drilling and boring machines and optional probing functionality remain compatible with older control versions. The TNC 620 comes standardized as 4-axis control, but can optionally be extended to 5-axis simultaneous operation.

For more information, visit the HEIDENHAIN website.