Heard that body gets charged through the gold/silver ornaments. Is it true?

Heard that body gets charged through the gold/silver ornaments. Is it true?

Gold and silver are both transition metals in group 1b of the periodic table. As such there are multiple ionic charge potentials of each. Metals tend to loose electrons and thus become positively charged anions. For example, gold ions range from -1 to +5 in charge, that is gold can gain up to one extra electron or loose five electrons(-1, +2, +5 are more rare). So, in theory an extremely small charge from gold is possible but only when it is first touched. After that the charge of gold should mirror the bodies ever changing state of charge from outside environmental factors that give your body much greater charges, such as the electrolytes in your body or walking across a carpet in socks. Really gold is no more special in charging the body than that damn bedroom doorknob.

Since Gold and Silver are conductors it would not make sense that they would cause the body to become charged. As conductors they would allow the charge that may be on your body to be drawn away.

Niel Leon
Community Developer – Engineering.com

edit, individual gold atoms, not entire sample, can gain or loose electrons -1 to +5………………………….