Google SketchUp 7 Released

Google’s latest release of its free 3D software allows you to build models from scratch or download what you need.


Other updated features include:

Making SketchUp easier for new modelers to learn. SketchUp has always been known for its accessibility to just about everyone, and that’s something we never forget when we’re working to improve it. We tweaked SketchUp 7 to make it even easier for newbies to get onboard, and added a new kind of object – Dynamic Components – to add instant gratification.

Adding “power tools” for SketchUp Pro gurus. If you sometimes have dreams about the Push/Pull tool, and consider SketchUp modeling to be a perfectly reasonable thing to do on a beautiful, sunny day, you’re in for a treat. Here’s a taste: Vector rendering (and tons more) in LayOut 2 (now out of beta). Custom attributes. Simple object animations. Smart scaling and replication behaviors for components. Tabular reporting. Style Builder. Read on for the whole scoop.

Clearing the way for even more model sharing and collaboration. Remember the cola commercials where groups of people all over the world would sing songs about peace and harmony and make you glad to be a human being? Well, we don’t have that kind of advertising budget, but that’s how we’d like you to feel. The worldwide 3D modeling community is ever-expanding, and SketchUp 7 makes it even easier for you to be a part of it.


Source: :: Make Parts Fast ::