i GET IT CAE and FEA courses include Autodesk, Siemens PLM/NX, Dassault Systèmes CATIA/SOLIDWORKS and PTC.

In this interview, Brad Engholt, product manager at i GET IT, explains the various CAE and FEA courses available to engineers through the online i GET IT program. These three- to four-hour courses offer engineers fundamentals and/or in-depth training needed to get started with simulation and design.
Shawn Wasserman, simulation and education editor, ENGINEERING.com: Could you tell me a little bit about the educational programs that engineers can get access to on i GET IT?
Brad: With i GET IT we have a full array of SOLIDWORKS training, as well as Autodesk, Siemens PLM, Dassault CATIA v5 and v6 and PTC. We also have some good GD&T [geometric dimension and tolerancing] training, and FEA training as well. All online.
Shawn: So could you tell me a little bit about the educational programs for simulation that you offer?
Brad: Sure. For SOLIDWORKS we have few different courses. We have a SOLIDWORKS flow simulation course. It goes into all the flow topics. We also have a collection of what we call the Basic Courses. And then we have a new one that we just released last week, which is a Simulation Fundamentals course. It goes over thermal and some other topics as well.
Shawn: So this is fundamental? This is more for designers to try to get into simulation?
Brad: Exactly. It goes through the application; goes through some samples on some projects on how to actually use SOLIDWORKS to do simulation.
Shawn: Do you have any courses that are more in depth when it comes to simulation?
Brad: We have one in basically every one of our offerings. We have some with NX and CATIA. We have good Autodesk simulation FEA mechanical courses and Autodesk simulation FEA mechanical courses. We had help from Autodesk, so they came out really well.
So, our courseware is about three or four hours per course, so it goes into some pretty good depth.
Shawn: Are engineers able to get any certifications by taking your courses?
Brad: With i GET IT, we offer our own certification program, so we actually have what we call our Tata Analogies Certification that you can get. It’s not accredited with a university, but it’s something that we sell with our tests.
We also have prep exam-type courseware that you can take for the SOLIDWORKS CSWP, CSWA and CSWE. So we have courseware in simulation that will go through those topics as well.
Shawn: So how do engineers access the information?
Brad: i GET IT is an online system. It’s available through our website. We also have mobile apps for Android, iOS, as well as for Windows 8, and I’m sure in the future Windows 10. So they can get to it in various different ways.