Gain Insight into the New Internet of Things Landscape

Online course aims to teach security, data management and architecture of the growing IoT industry.

(Image courtesy of MIT Professional Education.)

(Image courtesy of MIT Professional Education.)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing industry making itself felt across manufacturing, healthcare, education, business and consumer products like smart homes and wearables.

With the rise of IoT so prevalent, however, there is an increasing need for engineers and organizations to keep up with new and developing IoT trends and the ways the technology can be integrated into or affect a business. Challenges can range from technology architecture choices through digital security concerns.

These challenges are the subject of a new online offering from MIT. The course, Internet of Things: Roadmap to the Connected World, will be offered through MIT Professional Education beginning April 12, 2016.  The course offers insights on how to survive and thrive in the new technological landscape.

The course is a six-week online offering designed for busy professionals with a background in electrical engineering or computer science. It’s ideally suited for those individuals who want to leverage IoT technology to address business challenges including cybersecurity, system architecture and data management. 

The course will be taught by researchers with experience in the architectures and applications of IoT. It will cover broad overviews of IoT technologies and provide detailed looks at the most recent developments.

With lectures, video and case studies guided by faculty and researchers from MIT’s department of mechanical engineering, the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), Media Lab, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and others, the course will enable participants to:

  • Discover key IoT concepts including identification, sensors, localization, wireless protocols, data storage and security
  • Explore IoT technologies, architectures, standards and regulation
  • Realize the value created by collecting, communicating, coordinating and leveraging the data from connected devices
  • Examine technological developments that will shape the industrial landscape of the future
  • Understand how to develop and implement IoT technologies, solutions and applications
  • Gain the tools and knowledge to develop a concrete IoT roadmap for organizations
  • Recognize IoT opportunities in the industry or function to help companies maintain a competitive advantage
  • Connect with an alumni group of like-minded professionals and lifelong learners

The course structure and online interface includes:

  • Three modules covering 13 topic areas and 12 hours of video
  • Assessments to reinforce the key learning concepts presented in each module
  • Short case studies and focused readings
  • Discussion forums for participants to address thought-provoking questions posed by MIT faculty
  • Community Wiki for accessing additional resources, suggested readings and related links
  • Downloadable program materials and other tools from faculty presentations and resources
  • Synchronized video transcripts and a compiled transcript of all course lectures

 For more information or to enroll for the spring semester, visit the MIT Professional Education website.