Forecast 3D Among the First to Offer HP’s Multi Jet Fusion

3D printing service bureau Forecast 3D will soon be receiving its MJF 3D printer and taking orders.

Due to its high throughput, HP’s Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) technology may be ideal for 3D printing service bureaus, which specialize in large production runs. When it launched the technology, HP had already brought a few service bureaus along for the ride, including Materialise, Shapeways and Proto Labs. As it turns out, they weren’t the only ones.

Although Shapeways was the first customer to receive an HP Jet Fusion 3D 4200 printer, which was installed at its factory in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, San Diego-based Forecast 3D may be among the first to begin offering the technology as a part of its manufacturing services. The company will be receiving its two MJF systems on March 31 and plans to begin offering services as early as April.

The HP Jet Fusion 3D 4200 printer with processing station. (Image courtesy of HP.)

The HP Jet Fusion 3D 4200 printer with processing station. (Image courtesy of HP.)

Corey Weber, Forecast 3D cofounder and CEO, said of the new technology, “We are very excited to be a part of this new era where 3D printing will actually become a common and feasible option for production parts. Since the majority of MJF machines will be going to companies that intend to use their machine for their own production, we couldn’t be more pleased to be one of the few to start providing parts to companies who either are waiting, aren’t ready, or don’t intend to buy a machine themselves.”

Forecast 3D has delivered 3D printing and batch production services across North America for the past 23 years. In that capacity, the company has stocked eight different technologies, including stereolithography, fused deposition modeling, selective laser melting, PolyJet, selective laser sintering (SLS), hybrid tooling and CNC machining. MJF expands on this portfolio to give Forecast 3D a technology that is estimated to be 10 times faster than SLS while producing engineering-grade parts that rival those made with traditional manufacturing.             

With the machines arriving on March 31, MJF printing in Forecast 3D’s ISO certified facility will begin in early April. The team anticipates building benchmark parts for early adopting customers within the week. Forecast 3D is expecting a high demand for this service and is encouraging engineers to leverage this faster, more efficient additive technology for projects that can speed time to market by sending in files now, if they haven’t already done so, to secure their place in line.                                                                      

Service bureaus may be ideal initial customers for HP. The fact that they already have extensive knowledge about a wide variety of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies and run their businesses in mass production environments positions them to use MJF as it was intended. Moreover, businesses that may be enticed by the potential of MJF can work with a service bureau to learn the ins, outs and benefits of the technology before ultimately deciding whether or not it’s suitable to bring in house. 

To learn more about Forecast 3D’s offerings, including MJF, visit the company’s site.