Flowmaster Adds CAE Integrations for Pipe Stress Predictions

Parameter control interface allows for easier DOE in Flowmaster.

Choose between poly-tropic and full heat transfer with the multi-arm tank component.

Choose between poly-tropic and full heat transfer with the multi-arm tank component.

The latest version of Flowmaster, the 1D CFD simulation software, includes improved connectivity to 1D pipe stress CAE tools. An improved multi-arm tank component allows users to pick between poly-tropic and full heat transfer for their simulation models. These upgrades are aimed to improve the accuracy and ease of use for engineers working on aerospace, automotive, gas turbines and power generation.

Flowmaster’s integration with 1D pipe stress CAE tools include CAESAR II and CAEPIPE. Once Flowmaster completes the calculation of a hydro-dynamic force generated by fluid transient events, the data can be passed onto these integrated CAE tools. These tools can then determine the pipe stresses based on this force history and the geometry. This integration capability can deliver process, chemical and power system engineers transient performance results early in the design cycle.

“Pressure drop calculations, transient fluid flow, piping and structural analyses data can now flow from 3D CAD to CAEPIPE to Flowmaster and back to CAEPIPE with ease and accuracy,” said Mr. D. Vijay, product manager at the plant design company SST Systems. “[We] become incredibly productive because the job gets done so much faster as models are created only once.”

Another interesting addition to the release is the ability to control parameters from a single interface. This will help engineers organize a design of experiments (DOE) to search the design space of their piping system. Once the parameters are modified, the parameter control interface will be able to run the next simulation directly.

Similarly, a bookmark function in flow master will allow charts to auto-update after each design iteration. This will allow users to better compare how the changes of parameters affected the results. Using multiple bookmarked plots, users will be able to better understand the design space after each simulation.

Flowmaster has also improved its multi-arm tank component. The component now allows engineers to choose between poly-tropic and full heat transfer models, which is particularly useful for those in the aerospace industry.

“Our latest Flowmaster solution delivers a rich user interface with many automated features, plus now seamless integration across 1D CAE design tools and robust modeling capabilities to help our customers get to market faster than ever with greater confidence,” said Roland Feldhinkel, general manager of Mentor Graphics Mechanical Analysis Division.

The addition of Flowmaster’s connectivity to pipe stress software is in line with the basic trends in the simulation community. Many CAE tools are expanding their capabilities towards multiphysics and analysis by interconnections, partnerships and acquisitions.

A similar argument can be said for Flowmaster’s parameter controls. This functionality gives the software more of a system level optimization ability, yet another simulation trend. Therefore, it will not be surprising to see Mentor Graphics further increase the connectivity of their software options to perform more analysis and system level assessments.

Written by

Shawn Wasserman

For over 10 years, Shawn Wasserman has informed, inspired and engaged the engineering community through online content. As a senior writer at WTWH media, he produces branded content to help engineers streamline their operations via new tools, technologies and software. While a senior editor at Engineering.com, Shawn wrote stories about CAE, simulation, PLM, CAD, IoT, AI and more. During his time as the blog manager at Ansys, Shawn produced content featuring stories, tips, tricks and interesting use cases for CAE technologies. Shawn holds a master’s degree in Bioengineering from the University of Guelph and an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo.