Filtering File Searches in SOLIDWORKS

SOLIDWORKS allows you to open a variety of document files, including DWG, Parasolid, STL files and even files from other CAD software.

SOLIDWORKS allows you to open a variety of document files, including DWG, Parasolid, STL files and even files from other CAD software. In the video tutorial below, we’ll learn how to filter SOLIDWORKS files from other file types, using “Quick Filter” buttons to quickly select what types of files we want to open.

Let’s review the tutorial.

When opening a file, select “SOLIDWORKS Files” in the dropdown menu beside the “File name” menu. Open up a part. From here, when trying to open another file, the file type is set back to the default, “All Files.”

“Quick Filter” buttons are located above this dropdown menu to help users avoid having to use it every time they need to open a SOLIDWORKS file.

Users can select “Filter Parts,” “Filter Assemblies,” “Filter Drawings” and “Filter Top-Level Assemblies.” More than one of these buttons can be selected for more efficient search results.

When returning to the “Open” dialog box, the system remembers the selections made previously. With “Quick Filter” buttons, users can find their files faster than ever.

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About Author

Sam Sanchez is an Applications Engineer with SolidProfessor and a CSWP. Sanchez is an alumni of UC San Diego, and in her free time enjoys 3D printing and hanging out with her dog Ruby. You can see more training videos on a wide range of CAD, CAM & BIM topics at