FANUC America Introduces New CNC Simulator

Simulator gives students experience with FANUC CNC controls without requiring a full mill or lathe.

FANUC America’s CNC Simulator is based on the FANUC Series 0i – MODEL F platform and can be operated in either milling or turning configurations.

The simulator provides students with exposure to FANUC CNC controls without the need for a full mill or lathe.

Students can program the simulator as a 3-axis mill or a 2-axis/1-spindle turning system. The simulators are portable and require only a standard wall outlet for power.

The CNC Simulator is a complete FANUC CNC control with a 10.4” LCD monitor and a QWERTY keyboard, so students can experience the look, feel and layout of the control as they navigate and program a simulated fully-functioning CNC.

Students can transfer their programs to real machines using the built-in Ethernet connections or standard Flash ATA or USB interface.

The CNC Simulator comes loaded with the FANUC MANUAL GUIDE i conversational programming interface, which allows users to graphically generate programs simulated in 3D prior to being converted back to conventional NC programs and used on machine tools.

By learning process-oriented conversational programming, students can focus on machine operations instead of just using G-code.

To learn more about FANUC America’s CNC Simulator, visit and watch our video interview on the product with Frank Nuqui, aerospace manager at FANUC America.