EW – Testing Edition – AMETEK Automatic Calibration Gauges, Hioki Battery HiTester & More

New products from AMETEK, Hioki, Ikalogic, Rohde & Schwarz and Tektronix.

AMETEK Automatic Calibration Gauges

XP2i pressure gauge. (Image courtesy of AMETEK.)

XP2i pressure gauge. (Image courtesy of AMETEK.)

AMETEK has recently added an automatic calibration reminder system to its XP2i pressure gauges. The system reduces the possibility of using gauges after their calibration dates and potentially incurring regulatory fines. Manual record-keeping and notifications are replaced by customizable on-screen alerts prior to the due date, warning alerts on and after the due date and an optional capability to lock the gauge from use after its calibration due date. Dates, reminders and message types are set through free software.

Active Digital Temperature Compensation corrects the sensor for changes in temperature. It is guaranteed to 0.1 percent of reading accuracy from -10 to 50 °C. Also, every XP2i comes with an ISO 17025 calibration with test data at five temperatures.

For more information, visit AMETEK’s website.

Hioki Battery HiTester

BT3564 Battery HiTester. (Image courtesy of Hioki.)

BT3564 Battery HiTester. (Image courtesy of Hioki.)

Hioki has launched the Battery HiTester BT3564, which is intended for use in shipping and acceptance inspections of devices such as increasingly high-voltage battery packs for electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs), and residential storage batteries. The instrument, which has a maximum input voltage of 1000V, can simultaneously measure internal resistance and battery voltage.

As voltages increase, spark discharge during measurement becomes more likely, creating a significant risk for workers. The BT3564 reduces the likelihood of spark discharge by limiting the current that flows when the measurement probes make contact with the battery pack’s terminals.

Information concerning pricing and availability can be found on Hioki’s website.

Ikalogic PC Logic Analyzers

ScanaQuad analyzers. (Image courtesy of Ikalogic.)

ScanaQuad analyzers. (Image courtesy of Ikalogic.)

Ikalogic has introduced four-channel USB logic analysers, primarily for debugging serial data busses. Called ScanaQuad, the devices are 50x50mm in size and operate with the firm’s ScanaStudio software running on a host Windows PC, Linux PC or Mac.

Triggering is hardware-based and–except for the most basic model–it can range from a simple logic edge, or a combination of logic levels, edges, pulse widths and timing constraints. All four logic inputs can also be switched to outputs. Furthermore, to synchronise ScanaQuad with external trigger sources or provide triggers to other devices, there is an add-on called TrigBox.

For more information, visit Ikalogic’s website.

R&S 3GPP Cellular-V2X Device Testing

CMW500 wideband radio communication tester. (Image courtesy of Rohde & Schwarz.)

CMW500 wideband radio communication tester. (Image courtesy of Rohde & Schwarz.)

Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) has expanded the capabilities of its CMW500 LTE network simulator and SMBV100A GNSS simulator to support end-to-end safety related scenarios for device certification. Working in tandem with the Qualcomm 9150 Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) system, users can now validate C-V2X Direct Communications Mode 4 (out-of-network coverage) capable devices as defined in 3GPP Release 14.

C-V2X device testing is a step toward achieving fully connected vehicles to improve public safety. Connected vehicles can use sensors (including radar, LiDAR and cameras) to track the events happening within its visible range and use LTE technology in complementary direct and network-based communication modes to track events happening outside of its visible range. Sensors can also obtain information such as intent and traffic signal phase/timing.

Additional technical specifications are available on R&S’ website.

Tektronix 3D Sensing Tester

Keithley 2606B Meter SMU. (Image courtesy of Tektronix.)

Keithley 2606B Meter SMU. (Image courtesy of Tektronix.)

Tektronix has unveiled the Keithley Model 2606B System SourceMeter instrument. Targeting the 3D sensing manufacturing industry, the 2606B combines the capabilities of a precision power supply, true current source, 6½-digit DMM, arbitrary waveform generator and pulse generator into one integrated instrument. With its ranging topology, the 2606B provides up to 20,000 operations per second.

The 2606B’s 1U form factor improves density by 3x since there is no need for a thermal spacer (for airflow) between units. For example, 12 2606B SMU channels can be mounted in the same 3U rack space as only four SMU channels under the previous system.

For more information, visit Tektronix’s website.

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