New products from Cadence, Imagination Technologies, Mentor, National Instruments and Renesas.
Cadence Simulation Sharing

Cadence has announced that its Sigrity PowerDC software now supports Future Facilities’ open neutral file format, which lets users share design models between different thermal simulation toolsets. The PowerDC technology’s adoption of the single, open-model file format streamlines the thermal supply chain, promotes interoperability and data exchange, and allows users to improve their thermal and electrical designs.
“Electrical and thermal co-simulation is rapidly becoming a requirement for our customers,” said An-Yu Kuo, senior group director, R&D at Cadence. “A key enabling factor for these co-simulations is unification of the various thermal model formats into a common neutral file format that can be used by all EDA tools.”
For more information, visit Cadence’s website.
Imagination GPU Performance Analysis

Imagination Technologies has launched the latest version of PVRTune, the PowerVR GPU performance analysis tool, which provides developers with information to help them tap into the potential of their applications on mobile and embedded devices. With the capabilities in PVRTune 2018 Release 1, users can create apps and games that take advantage of the underlying hardware to achieve optimal performance with low power consumption.
With this release, PVRTune is now “API aware,” able to retrieve and present events that have been generated by the client driver of native programming interfaces such as OpenGL ES and EGL. In addition, UI enhancements make navigation more intuitive as well as improve the clarity of data presentation.
Additional technical specifications are available on Imagination’s website.
Mentor Thermo-Fluid Modeling

Mentor has announced a new release of the FloMASTER 1D thermo-fluid modeling software. Combining integration with 3D mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD) and enhanced physics with an improved user experience, the latest release of FloMASTER comes after the company ran more than 13 million unit test runs.
FloMASTER provides automated connectivity to 3D CAD design tools. The “CAD-to-FloMASTER” (CAD2FM) functionality lets engineers create representations of their 3D systems. CAD2FM automatically abstracts the 3D descriptions of piping networks into a collection of connected components, reducing manual, labor-intensive and error-prone measure and reenter methods.
For more information, visit Mentor’s website.
NI Ethernet Measurement and Synchronization Technology

National Instruments (NI) has released CompactRIO Controllers, which include NI-DAQmx and Time Sensitive Networking (TSN). These controllers offer deterministic communication and synchronized measurements across standard Ethernet networks to increase performance and help improve productivity. Engineers can use TSN to synchronize distributed systems across networks, which eliminates the need for synchronization cables.
With the addition of NI-DAQmx to the CompactRIO Controller family, engineers can also access I/O directly from ready-to-use functions. This driver, coupled with the functionality of the NI Linux Real-Time OS, means developers can continue to utilize the ecosystem of IPs available for Linux, like Security-Enhanced Linux.
Information about pricing and availability can be found on NI’s website.
Renesas Industrial Ethernet System

Renesas has introduced its Industrial Ethernet module system, the I-RJ45, which incorporates a single- or dual-port RJ45 connector and simplifies integration for Industrial Ethernet by supporting various network slave applications, including sensors and transmitters, gateways, operator terminals and remote I/O.
The I-RJ45 module is a ready-to-use hardware and software package that includes a precertified PROFINET implementation that can be used for mass production applications. Renesas plans to support other industrial protocols, including EtherCAT and EtherNet/IP, in the future. With a general application program interface (API), the application can also be quickly connected to the protocol software.
For more information, visit Renesas’ website.
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