Every Revit Shortcut You Ever Wanted to Know

An exhaustive list of pre-programmed Revit keyboard shortcuts to help make designing quicker and easier.

Familiarity with keyboard shortcuts can make work much easier for heavy software users.

Familiarity with keyboard shortcuts can make work much easier for heavy software users.

Revit has over a hundred little shortcuts to make your job easier, but it can be difficult to remember them all. To help with that, here’s an exhaustive list of shortcuts and what they do. 

Tip: These Revit shortcuts are not case-sensitive, so don’t worry about caps lock. 

They’re organized alphabetically by key combination, but if you’d rather have them sorted by category (like navigation, modify and architecture), download the list here

If there is still something missing, Autodesk also has a tutorial on making your own custom shortcuts.


Shortcut Title What It Does Category
// Divide Surface Place a division grid onto a conceptual design’s surface. Contextual Tabs
32 2D Mode Navigate a model’s view using only 2D options. Navigation
3F Fly Mode Simulate the motion of flying through a model. Navigation
3O Object Mode Navigate and reorient the view based on the direction of the controller cap. Navigation
3W Walk Mode Simulate the motion of walking through a model. Navigation



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
AA Adjust Analytical Model Adjust a structural member’s analytical model in relation to those of its joined elements. Analyze
Contextual Tabs
AD Attach Detail Group Create an attached detail group. Contextual Tabs
AL Align Align single or multiple elements with a chosen element. Modify
AP Add to Group Add your selected elements to a group. Contextual Tabs
AR Array Create linear or radial arrays (whichever you prefer) of your chosen elements. Modify
AT Air Terminal Place a register, grille or diffuser. System



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
BM Structural Framing: Beam Place a load-bearing structural beam into your building model. Structure
BR Structural Framing: Brace Connect diagonal members between beams and columns. Structure
BS Structural or Automatic Beam System Create a layout designed to control the number and spacing of parallel beams. Contextual Tabs



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
CG Cancel Cancel an action. Contextual Tabs
CL Column/Structural Column Place a column into the building model for structural load-bearing. Architecture
CM Place a Component Place a component for the user. Architecture
Structure System
CN Conduit Draw a rigid conduit run for the user. Manage
CO or CC Copy Copy selected elements to the clipboard. Modify
CP Cope/Apply Coping Apply coping to structural elements like steel beams or columns. Modify
CS Create Similar Create an element mimicking the type of the selected element. Modify
CT Cable Tray Draw a cable tray run for the user. System
CV Convert to Flex Duct Convert a section of duct from rigid to flexible. System
CX Toggle “Reveal Constraints” Mode Toggle constraints in a view. View Control



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
D Aligned Dimension Create an aligned dimension. Create
DA Duct Accessory Add duct accessories like dampers into duct systems. System
DC Check Duct Systems Check a project’s mechanical systems to ensure that each one is assigned to a user-defined system and is properly connected. Analyze
DE Delete Delete any selected elements from your building model. Modify
DF Duct Fitting Place duct fittings like elbows and tees into duct systems. System
DI Aligned Dimension Create an aligned dimension. Annotate Contextual Tabs
DL Detail Line Create lines specific to the current view. Annotate
DM Mirror-Draw Axis Reverse a selected element’s position through the use of a user-defined line as the mirror axis. Modify
DR Door Place a door within your building model. Architecture
DT Duct Draw ductwork into your building model. System



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
EC Check Circuits Check all circuits to ensure that they are properly connected to panels and have valid system assignments. Analyze
EE Electrical Equipment Place electrical equipment like panels and switch gears within your model. System
EG Edit Group Let the user edit a group. Contextual Tabs
EH Hide in View: Hide Elements Hide selected element(s) from view. Modify
EL Spot Elevation Display model elevation at a given point. Annotate
Contextual Tabs
EP Edit Part Edit a part element. Contextual Tab
ER Editing Requests Display a list of user requests and pending requests for borrowing elements. Collaboration
ES MEP Settings: Electrical Generate a dialog box to adjust specifications like wiring parameters, voltage definitions, distribution systems, cable tray and conduit settings and more. Manage
EU Unhide Element Show a hidden element in a view. Contextual Tabs
EW Edit Witness Lines Edit a witness line. Contextual Tabs
EOD Override Graphics in View: Override by Element Adjust a model’s graphic display settings to highlight selected elements in the current view. Modify



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
FD Flex Duct Create flexible ductwork within your building model. System
FG Finish End the editing of a group. Contextual Tabs
FP Flex Pipe Create flexible pipes within a building model. System
FR Find/Replace Find and replace selected elements. Annotate
FT Structural Foundation: Wall Create a wall foundation for your building model. Structure
FN9 System Browser Find components within the model that are not assigned to any given system. View



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
GD Graphic Display Options Open the Graphics dialog box. View Control
GP Model Group: Create Group
Detail Group: Create Group
Create a new group of elements. Annotate
GR Grid Place column grid lines within your building model. Architecture



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
HC Hide Category Hide all selected categories from view. View Control
HH Hide Element Hide a selected element from view. View Control
HI Isolate Element Isolate selected elements in the view. View Control
HL Hidden Line Display an image with all its edges and lines shown except for those obstructed by surfaces. View Control
HR Reset Temporary Hide/Isolate Reinstate any temporarily hidden elements or categories to the view. View Control
HT Show Help Tooltip Open the Help Tooltip dialog. Contextual Tabs



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
IC Isolate Category Isolate selected categories in the view. View Control



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
JP Justification Points Set a justification point to assist in relocating elements. Contextual Tabs
JY Z-Offset Offset an element along the z-axis. Contextual Tabs
JZ Show Help Tooltip Open the Help Tooltip dialog. Contextual Tabs



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
KS Keyboard Shortcuts Assign custom key sequences to selected tools. View



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
LD Loads Apply point, line and area loads to your building model. Analyze
LF Lighting Fixture Add a lighting fixture element within your model. System
LI Model Line
Boundary Line
Rebar Line
Draw a new line in the model. Contextual Tabs
LL Level Create a new level in the current view. Architecture
LO Heating and Cooling Loads Generate a heating and cooling load analysis report for your building model. Analyze
LW Linework Override the style of a selected line – but only in the active view. Modify



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
MA Match Type Properties Open the Match Type tool, where users can convert one or more elements to match another element’s assigned type. Modify
MD Modify Start selection mode in order to select elements for Modify. Create
ME Mechanical Equipment Place pieces of mechanical equipment like furnaces and boilers into your building model. System
MM Mirror-Pick Axis Use a selected line to reverse a given element’s position. Modify
MP Move to Project Move a model in relation to a shared coordinate system. Context Menu
MS MEP Settings: Mechanical Open a dialog box where users can configure component sizes and mechanical system behaviors and appearances. Manage
MV Move Move the selected element. Modify



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
NF Conduit Fitting Place conduit fittings into your model. System



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
OF Offset Move a selected element like model lines, detail lines, walls or beams by a selected distance perpendicular to its length. Modify



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
PA Pipe Accessory Add a pipe accessory to your model. System
PC Pipe Systems Check Examine a project’s piping systems to ensure that each is properly connected and assigned to a user-defined system. Analyze
PC Point Clouds Snap to a point cloud. Snaps
PF Pipe Fitting Draw a pipe fitting into a piping system. System
PI Pipe Draw rigid piping into a model. System
PN Pin Pin an element into place. Modify
PP or CTRL-1 or VP Properties
Toggle Properties Palette
Toggle the Properties palette. Contextual Tabs
PS Panel Schedules Generate a schedule for a selected panel. Analyze
PT Paint Start the Paint tool. Modify
PX Plumbing Fixture Add a plumbing fixture to your building model. System



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
R3 Center of Rotation Define a new center of rotation for elements. Context Menu
RA Reset Analytical Model Restore the auto-detect mode for an analytical model’s alignment methods. Analyze
RA Restore All Excluded Restore all previously excluded elements and parts. Context Menu
Contextual Tabs
RB Restore Excluded Member Restore an excluded joint member. Context Menu
RC Repeat Command Repeat the last previously used command. Context Menu
RC Cope: Remove Coping Remove coping. Modify
RD Render in Cloud Render a building model online in 3D. View
View Control Bar
RE Scale Resize a selected element proportionally. Modify
RG Remove from Group Remove a selected element from a group. Contextual Tabs
RG Render Gallery Allow access to multiple versions of renderings including panoramas. It will also change rendering quality and apply background environments. View
View Control Bar
RH Toggle “Reveal Hidden Elements” Mode Toggle the “Reveal Hidden Elements” mode. Contextual Tabs
View Control Bar
RL or RW Reload Latest Load the latest version of the entire building model. Collaborate
RM Room Create a new room, with boundaries placed at existing model elements and separation lines. Architecture
RN Reinforcement Numbers Let the user define or edit partitioned numbering sequences for rebar and fabric sheets. Structure
RO Rotate Rotate a selected element according to an axis. Modify
RP Reference Plane Utilize drawing tools to generate a reference plane. Architecture
Contextual Tabs
RR Render Generate a photorealistic rendering of your building model. View
View Control Bar
RT Tag Room
Room Tag
Tag a chosen room. Annotate
RY Ray Trace Open Ray Trace, which lets the user enter a photorealistic rendering mode with panning and zooming capabilities. View Control Bar



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
SA Select All Instances: Entire Project Detect all similar elements based on a chosen element, either in the current view or throughout the project. Context Menu
SB Floor
Floor: Structural
Generate structural floors within a building model. Architecture
SC Center Snap to center. Snaps
SD Shaded with Edges Add shaded edges to areas of the model. View Control Bar
SE Endpoints Snap a selected element to endpoints. Snaps
SF Split Face Divide an element’s face into regions for the application of various materials. Modify
SI Intersections Snap to intersections. Snaps
SK Sprinkler Add a sprinkler to your building model. System
SL Split Element Split an element like a wall or line at a specified point. Modify
SM Midpoints Snap to midpoints. Snaps
SN Nearest Snap to the nearest element. Snaps
SO Snaps Off Toggle snaps off. Snaps
SP Perpendicular Snap to perpendicular. Snaps
SQ Quadrants Snap to a quadrant. Snaps
SR Snap to Remote Object Snap to an object which isn’t near the element. Snaps
SS Turn Override Off Disable the override feature. Snaps
ST Tangents Snap to tangents. Snaps
SU Additional Settings: Sun Bring up the sun settings dialog. Manage
SW Work Plane Grid Snap to the work plane grid. Snaps
SX Points Snap to points. Snaps



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
TF Cable Tray Fitting Place cable tray fittings within your building model. System
TG Tag by Category Assign an element’s tags by category. Annotate
TL Thin Lines Assign a single width to all lines on the screen regardless of zoom. View
TR Trim/Extend to Corner Either trim or extend an element to create a corner. Modify
TX Text Add text into your building model. Annotate



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
UG Ungroup Ungroup selected members and elements. Contextual Tabs
UN Project Units Pull up the Project Units tool. Manage
UP Unpin Unlock a previously pinned or host system-driven element. Modify



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
VG or VV Visibility/Graphics Allow for control over visibility and graphic display of model, datum and view-specific elements. View
VH Hide in View: Hide Category Hide a category of elements from view. Modify
VU Unhide Category Reinstate a hidden category. Contextual Tabs



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
WA Wall
Wall: Architectural
Generate a non-load-bearing wall or a structural wall within your building model. Architecture
WC Cascade Windows Create a cascade within the drawing area of all open windows. View
WF Wireframe Generate a wireframe rendering of the model, showing all edges and lines but not surfaces. View Control Bar
WN Window Add a window to a wall or a skylight to a roof. Architecture
WT Tile Windows See all open views simultaneously. View



Shortcut Title What It Does Category
ZA Zoom All to Fit Zoom appropriately in order to fit everything in view. Navigation Bar
ZE or ZF or ZX Zoom to Fit Zoom to fit the current view. Navigation Bar
ZO or ZV Zoom Out Zoom out the project view 2X. Navigation Bar
ZP or ZC Previous Pan/Zoom Return to the most recent pan or zoom setting. Navigation Bar
ZR or ZZ Zoom in Region Zoom to a specified region. Navigation Bar
ZS Zoom Sheet Size Zoom to sheet size. Navigation Bar