EOS and Hyperganic team up to design space propulsion components

EOS announced an exclusive partnership to advance the field of space propulsion with Hyperganic, the company that aims to accelerate innovation in engineering through its software platform.

For centuries, humans have used drawing boards to translate ideas onto paper before CAD systems changed the game. Yet, even small design changes still require laborious remodeling work. Since every iteration costs time and money, CAD-based approaches compel engineers to design conservatively instead of pushing the limits.

At the same time, freedom of design has always been one of the guiding principles of AM, enabling part structures and applications that were impossible to manufacture using traditional production processes. The partnership between EOS and Hyperganic now takes this approach to the next level.

A radical example is the aerospike rocket engine designed by Hyperganic and manufactured by EOS and AMCM, an EOS GROUP company. The aerospike engine, classically considered a tremendous engineering and manufacturing challenge, was built from the ground up using an algorithmic model by Hyperganic. One of the hundreds of designs produced by Hyperganic in just days was printed on EOS M 400-4. The highly complex part was printed with no supports using the newly developed EOS NickelAlloy IN718 process.

Aerospike nozzle: Hyperganic- enabled, software-generated algorithmic design, manufactured on an EOS M 400-4 system with the new, support-free NickelAlloy IN718 process and the new optimized flow nozzle (source: EOS / Project partner: Hyperganic)

Consequently, the aerospike engine was automatically reengineered for production on a substantially larger AMCM M 4K from AMCM in EOS CopperAlloy CuCrZr. The combination of this level of design complexity with the capability to print in this size in a reliable manner, will drive the next innovations in space propulsion.
