EOS, a leading technology supplier in the field of industrial 3D printing of metals and polymers, announces its acquisition of Vulcan Labs – expanding its bench of additive manufacturing (AM) experts in powder bed fusion technology. The new Vulcan Labs team members bring decades of industry experience into both EOS’ technical center in Pflugerville, Texas, and its ALM materials research and production facility in Temple, Texas, further strengthening its ability to ensure customer success in industrial 3D printing.
In addition to the new engineering services group, other former Vulcan Labs engineers will help lead the further development and commercialization of the new Integra P 400 polymer 3D printer – a flexible and easily serviceable platform designed for the production of high-quality, mid-temperature AM applications. Launched in December 2018 and currently available only in North America, the Integra P 400 is engineered and manufactured in Texas and has already seen orders from nearly a dozen organizations.
Former Vulcan Labs CEO and industry veteran, David Leigh, will now serve in the role of chief operating officer at EOS North America.