Elysium to Release CADdoctor SX for Entry-level Users

Elysium Inc. announced the upcoming release of CADdoctor SX, a new translation and geometry optimization tool for 3D CAD data users who work in smaller supplier and manufacturing shops. 

The CADdoctor SX family, available as of April 22, 2010, is made up of four suites: The first is for CAD-to-CAD translation. The second is for translation and geometry simplification for FEM. The third is for preparation of molding die design and machining. The fourth is for reverse engineering (RE).


These sophisticated 3D data handling techniques in CADdoctor SX provide entry-level users with high fidelity translation and performance at a lower cost than Elysium’s CADdoctor EX,a data verification tool.  

Since so many industries today depend on 3D tools at every stage of the product design and manufacturing process, interoperability between all data types (such as point cloud, polygon, and CAD) is critical. Larger companies have the budgets to purchase multiple seats of sophisticated design software but smaller suppliers and tooling houses that can’t always afford high-end CAD still need quality translation and interoperability capabilities.   

The major features of each suite within CADdoctor SX are:

1. Trans Suite (for translation)

Trans/TransPlus2 is the basic package for 3D CAD-to-CAD translation. With this suite, you can translate any source CAD file into another CAD file. A direct interface for each CAD system, means you do not have to prepare CAD files to receive/output native CAD data.

2. FEM Suite (for finite element modeling)

FEM/FEMPlus2 is for 3D CAD users who make preparations for FEM analysis and Digital Mock Up. In addition to CAD-to-CAD translation, there is geometry simplification for making 3D CAD models suitable for FEM analysis. For example, you can detect features in a model that are not necessary for FEM analysis such as ‘fillet,’ ‘chamfer’ or ‘hole’ and remove them. An ‘Envelop Solid’ function to extract the contour of an assembly model is also available. In addition to handling B-rep (usual CAD models), the suite is also useful for handling polygon data, including importing, quality checking, healing, and exporting. This may help in the downsizing of polygon files as well as the smoothing of polygon represented surface boundaries.

3. Mold Suite (for tool and moldmaking)

Mold/MoldPlus2 is for 3D CAD users who design molding dies or make preparations for machining. With this tool, you can operate CAD-to-CAD translation and the geometry simplification and advanced verification needed to ensure mold manufacturability and manufacturing quality. For example, you can detect and remove unnecessary fillets to prevent failure at taper shape. It is also easy to detect features, in advance, that will cause problems, such as ‘undercut’ or ‘thin wall.’

4. RE (for reverse engineering)

RE is for handling polygon files for 3D CAD users who use a 3D measuring machine to execute reverse engineering. With this tool, you can generate B-rep (CAD) models from polygon files, generate polygon files from point cloud files, and modify CAD data to fit polygon data. This product can be useful for interchange between FEM results and original CAD data.


::Design World::

Source: :: Design World ::