Electronics Weekly – Infineon Trusted Platform Module, Lumileds LEDs and More

New products from Infineon Technologies, Lumileds, Microchip, Synopsys and Texas Instruments.

Infineon Trusted Platform Module

OPTIGA TPM. (Image courtesy of Infineon Technologies.)

OPTIGA TPM. (Image courtesy of Infineon Technologies.)

Infineon Technologies has launched its Trusted Platform Module (TPM), which is designed specifically for automotive applications. The OPTIGA TPM 2.0 protects communication between the car and the manufacturer.

By using the TPM, car manufacturers can incorporate sensitive security keys to assign access rights, authentication and data encryption in the car in a protected way. The TPM can also be updated so that the level of security can be kept up to date throughout the vehicle’s service life.

For more information, visit Infineon’s website.

Lumileds LED Module

LUXEON MultiColor Module. (Image courtesy of Lumileds.)

LUXEON MultiColor Module. (Image courtesy of Lumileds.)

Lumileds has introduced its LUXEON MultiColor Module, which is comprised of a 3-in-1 RGB in a standard 3535 PLCC6 package that produces red light of 1,000 mcd, green light of 2,300 mcd, and blue light of 500 mcd at 20 mA drive current (typical Vf of 2.1, 2.8 and 3.0V, respectively).

The module features a black matte surface, a flat light-emitting surface and a water-resistant design (IPX8 rating) for use in a range of video wall and illumination applications.

For more information, visit Lumileds’ website.

Microchip Silicon Carbide Devices

SiC power devices. (Image courtesy of Microchip.)

SiC power devices. (Image courtesy of Microchip.)

Microchip has released a family of SiC power devices that includes 700 V SiC MOSFETs and 700 V/1200 V SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBDs). SiC SBDs perform approximately 20 percent better than other SiC diodes in unclamped inductive switching (UIS) ruggedness tests that measure how well devices withstand degradation or premature failure under avalanche conditions, which occur when a voltage spike exceeds the device’s breakdown voltage.

For more information, visit Microchip’s website.

Synopsys Verification IP for Storage-class Memory Designs

DDR5 NVDIMM-P verification IP. (Image courtesy of Synopsys.)

DDR5 NVDIMM-P verification IP. (Image courtesy of Synopsys.)

Synopsys has announced a verification IP (VIP) for non-volatile dual in-line memory module (NVDIMM-P) for DDR5/4. NVDIMM-P is the next-generation storage-class memory for enterprise applications ranging from big data, storage, and in-memory databases to real-time processing.

NVDIMM-P is a two-in-one hybrid memory technology with non-volatility and persistence of Flash, speed and endurance of DRAM. The Synopsys VIP for NVDIMM-P uses a SystemVerilog Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) architecture that provides ease of integration within existing verification environments to accelerate time to first test.

For more information, visit Synopsys’ website.

TI Monitoring System for EVs

BMS reference design. (Image courtesy of Texas Instruments.)

BMS reference design. (Image courtesy of Texas Instruments.)

Texas Instruments (TI) has unveiled its tested reference designs for battery management and traction inverter systems, along with analog circuits with monitoring and protection features to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and allow hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles (HEV/EVs) to drive farther and longer.

Scalable across 6-to 96-series cell supervision circuits, the battery management system (BMS) reference design features the BQ79606A-Q1 precision battery monitor and balancer.

For more information, visit TI’s website.

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