Today at DesignCon in Santa Clara, Zuken and AWR announced AWR Connected™, their new RF PCB verification flow. This tool integrates Zuken's CR-8000 Design Force PCB design tool, with AWR’s Microwave Office®, their high-frequency simulation software. Simply put; it optimizes the design process when working with those tools.
Today at DesignCon in Santa Clara, Zuken and AWR announced AWR Connected™ for Zuken, their new RF PCB verification flow. This tool integrates Zuken’s CR-8000 Design Force PCB design tool, with AWR’s Microwave Office®, their high-frequency simulation software. Simply put; it optimizes the design process when working with those tools.
EMI simulation is usually a tedious, multi-step process involving working with tools often times from different vendors. But AWR Connected will now optimize this process, thus facilitating the design process resulting in more refined design iterations in less time.
Better product design in less time. Now really, isn’t that what it’s all about?
- AWR and Zuken announce RF verification flow for PCB design
Zuken Press Release
Photo courtesy of Zuken