The eBooks.onLine division of upFront.eZine Publishing produces a line of 50+ titles about using and customizing AutoCAD, Bricscad, General CADD, IntelliCAD, Visio, and other software packages. In some cases, we have the only books available for niche CAD package.
I am pleased to announce that SimpleCAD "We make shopping for CAD simple!" has become a distributor of our ebooks. The SimpleCAD Web portal grew out of Cadopolis, which, quite frankly, had been our best distributor. Cadopolis, unfortunately, went out of business earlier this year, due to a decline in software sales — even though our ebooks continued to sell strongly through to the end, I'm happy to report.
So, Erik Z (previously with Cadopolis) has launched SimpleCAD , and I do hope you will have a look at his wares.