Easier 3D printing for the dental industry

EnvisionTEC® and 3Shape announced that they have successfully completed the integration of the EnvisionTEC 3Dent™ machine with 3Shape®’s Dental System and CAMbridge™ for high-speed and high-precision production of dental models and dies.

An extensive validation process was performed by 3shape confirming the accuracy and quality of the EnvisionTEC 3Dent™ models where sectioned models, un-sectioned models, and dies were built on the 3Dent™ machines.

The models and dies were printed in E-Denstone material, then scanned using the 3Shape® scanner before being validated by Convince™quality control software.

EnvisonTEC dental

The results exceeded the accuracy requirements of the dental market for models and dies as defined by 3Shape.

The 3Dent™ machine is already installed and integrated in the dental model production processes of many dental labs all over the world. Don Albensi, COO of Albensi Laboratories in Pennsylvania, employs a 3Dent® for model production and stresses that one of the most valued aspects of his EnvisionTEC® printer is “The quality of the print, the accuracy of the material, and the ease of use.”

Said Mr. Albensi’s CAD/CAM technician, Chris Bolsom, about the integration between 3Shape® software and 3Dent® printer, “It’s very easy to use the 3Shape® Model Design software. It’s broken down step by step. All we have to do is nest the file. It’s a nice clean model, the file geometry is correct, and the software does a nice job of closing holes and hollowing. Once you get the model to Cambridge, it’s basically plug and play. You load the software, load the job, and press start on the 3Dent®.”



3Shape is a Danish company specializing in the development and marketing of 3D scanners and CAD/CAM software solutions.