do we need ''draw off sump'' for water storage tanks?
API is oil storage tanks design code so what is the code for water storage tanks design?
What type of water storage tanks are interested in designing?
How big are the tanks?
There are some applications where draw off sumps are required, others were they are recommended, and others with they are not required.
it is potable water tank also please tell me the code source or refference for that
Most potable water tanks do not require any sort of draw off sumps. There are some specific applications where draw off sumps are recommend and used. You would need to review the particular application to determine if it was warranted.
The most important thing with potable water storage tanks is the use of NSF or FDA Class VI materials approved for the the temperature in question.
Oil Storage Tanks require a draw off sump to assist with ensuring that any water that would get into the tank does not wind up in the out bound fluid lines.