Designer Edge Image of the Day – The Alternating Gradient Synchrotron

Brookhaven, Lab, Nobel, Synchrotron, particles, particle, physics, RF,

Particle accelerators can produce some pretty awesome images as they record the scattering of quanta through space. But what’s often overlooked is the beauty of the machines that produce insights into the structure of the Universe.

Pictured above is the radio-frequency quadrupole of the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron at Brookhaven National Lab. The radio-frequency quadrupole is a magnetic corridor that narrows and accelerates protons just before they enter the main instrument of the Synchrotron.

Since Brookhaven’s Alternating Gradient Synchrotron opened in 1960 the machine has been doing excellent research. In fact, the machine has helped with research that’s lead to three Nobel Prizes and countless other awards.

Image Courtesy of Brookhaven

Source: Txchnologist