Design Excellence Forum for SolidWorks and 3D printing

Fisher/Unitech,a leading provider of SolidWorks® 3D design software and Stratasys 3D Printers, will host its second annual Design Excellence Forum – an event scheduled in 11 cities throughout the Midwest and Northeast. This year’s Design Excellence Forum will offer several presentations showing how to leverage today’s  innovative technologies to achieve excellence in design and manufacturing. The Forum covers: 3D mechanical CAD enhancements; conceptual design with cloud-based collaboration; unified electronic design; improved simulation techniques; advanced 3D printing for product development; data management; and the latest for technical communication. This event also features a reveal of the new SolidWorks 2015 software. This roadshow will begin on October 1st in Kansas and travel throughout the Midwest and East Coast during the month of October.

The Design Excellence Forum serves as a unique and complimentary resource for SolidWorks users, prospective users and upper management. This forum offers users the opportunity to stay involved and up to speed on the latest and greatest manufacturing and product design technologies in the industry. Executives are invited to discover methods of optimizing design for additive manufacturing, improving product development efficiency through data management, leveraging electronic design automation, and learning how design validation improves product quality.  SolidWorks users can expect to be exposed to rich content that will enhance productivity and grow their skillset.

“Our Design Excellence Forum will give end-users and executives alike a viewpoint of how today’s most innovative technologies are being used by manufacturers to compete in the global economy,” said Charlie Hess, CEO at FISHER/UNITECH.

The Design Excellence Forum is complimentary and all are welcomed to attend. Registration is required. This event is sponsored by HP, Dassault Systemes, and Stratasys.