New Sales, Application & Training Center to serve midwest, east coast and southern regions.

DENSO Robotics has announced the release of a new RC8A robot controller. The new model goes a step beyond the previous RC8 controller, adding DENSO Safety Motion, which allows users to create virtual fences around the robot.
Safety Motion uses two optical sensors to detect an approaching operator, one at the top and one at the bottom of the robot cell. The RC8A controller creates virtual boundaries that trigger incremental reductions in the speed of the robot in accordance to the operator’s proximity.
Once the operator reaches a certain threshold, the robot either completely stops or slows down enough for safe interaction. As the operator moves away from the cell, the robot incrementally speeds up again.
“As people and robots work more and more closely together, especially with the trend toward collaborative robots, new safety solutions are required,” said Peter Cavallo, robotics sales manager, DENSO Products & Services Americas, Inc. “Our Safety Motion function ensures that working environments stay safe for humans without compromising productivity.”
The RC8A controller has a footprint of 12.5×14”, a height of 3.69” and an output of 3kW.
The controller, when paired with DENSO’s ORiN open-resource networking system, can communicate with over 100 different types of devices, including 100 Base-T Ethernet, Mini/hand I/O, RS232C and USB as Standard, with CC-Link, DeviceNet, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, parallel discrete I/O, Profibus and Profinet as optional.
A Microsoft Windows-based GUI is designed to reduce setup time.
DENSO’s 50th Anniversary and New Training Center
DENSO’s release of the RC8A controller coincides neatly with the company’s 50th anniversary. DENSO first opened its doors in 1967 to develop controllers, software and industrial robots. By 1970, manufacturing and implementation of its first aluminum die-casting robot was under way.
Also coinciding with this anniversary is DENSO’s announcement of a new Sales, Application and Training Center, 40 minutes northeast of Cincinnati.
The new facility offers training in programming, operation and maintenance of the newest robotic arms, controllers and applications for production operators, programmers and maintenance personnel.
“Everything at the Ohio facility is geared to maximizing the usefulness of DENSO robot arms in multiple industries,” said Peter Cavallo, manager, Robotics Sales Department. “The center deliberately keeps class sizes small, with the ideal teacher-to-student ratio. The result is a deeper level of learning and product understanding.”
Customer Support classes are also available through the facility’s website.
The facility will serve customers in the Midwest, east coast and southern regions of the US.
For more information about DENSO Robotics, visit the company website.