Deloitte Offers Free Course of 3D Printing

Deloitte University Press is offering an intro course on #3Dprinting aimed at business & professionals.

3D Printing, education, deloitteDeloitte University Press is offering an introductory course on 3D printing aimed at business and professionals. 

The “massive open online course” will be available from February 9-March 20 this year and is composed of a series of 6-7 minute videos totalling 2.5 hours in total. Periodic quizzes will ensure you’ve paid attention, and assignments are reviewed by peers. 

The course is designed for: “professionals working in product design, manufacturing, supply chain, strategy, and other disciplines.”, and is a collaboration between Deloitte, America Makes, 3D Systems, Marquette University and Oak Ridge National Lab. 

What will you learn? Here’s how Deloitte describes the course content: 

  • What is additive manufacturing? Learn the processes and technologies that fall under the AM umbrella and gain an understanding of where they fit within the universe of manufacturing technologies.
  • How will AM impact my business? Explore a framework based on economic principles that helps explain how AM will influence product and supply chain evolution…

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