definitons for static and dynamic engineering systems? give examples of each.
what is the definition of static and dynamic engineering systems?
what are some examples where static and dynamic engineering systems have been used to make everyday life easier?
In engineering static systems do not move, change states, or do not move /; change states quickly. Examples of static systems include furniture, dishes, buildings, bridges, etc.
Dynamic systems by their very nature are change states or moving all the time or must change states be useful. These type of systems include: vehicles, entertainment equipment (radios, televisions, tape recorders, etc.), computers and printers, etc.
Note many of these systems have characteristics of the other. The case work of a computer can be seen as static, but inside there are a lot of dynamic process including the operation of the disk drives, and the flow of electrons through the wires and the processor that is the heart of the computer.
Niel Leon
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