LYON, France, July 15, 2024 – Datakit has released version 2024.3 of technical data exchange solutions, full compatibility with new versions of third-party vendors CAD software, and their solution to write PLM XML files*.
Note that the solution to read PLM XML was already available.
This written solution for PLM XML files* allows to write the assembly tree with all the nodes and links related to external parts, as well as instances and all metadatas available, such as attributes. As a consequence, the use of this compact open format facilitates the access of all the data registered all over the life cycle of a product.
As with every new quarterly release, Datakit improves the reliability, performance and compatibility of its solutions with third-party solutions on the market. Latest 2024.3 version ensures compatibility with the following software solutions:
- Creo 11.0,
- Fusion 2.0.19426,
- Inventor 2025,
- Opencascade 7.8.0,
- Revit 2025.
The aim of additional functionalities included in the V2024.3 is to ease the user works while enhancing once more the exchange of data.
Among significant developments:
- Retrieval of the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the part designed with STEP or Catia V6,
- Semantic information of SolidEdge as well as SOLIDWORKS are provided,
- Options to read CGR mesh data only and to process ProE / Creo Parametric Nurbs surface. Files become lighter and displayed quicker,
- Improved robustness of IFC even for ifc .ifcxml .ifczip corrupted files,
- Improved color and visibility management as well as processing of surface elements of
- Inventor
- Inventor
- Handle level of Revit detail geometry with additional filter,
- And for the users of JT write translators, the possibility to write the textures
To learn more about the version, please visit website.
*PLM XML is a published schema for PLM data represented in Siemens Digital Industries Software applications to facilitate product lifecycle interoperability.