Counting On AutoCAD

Using AutoCAD’s Count to get quantities automatically.

AutoCAD’s Count is precisely as the name says. Use this feature to quickly count the instances of objects within a drawing. It works by looking for the same entity type, in the same shape and the same spatial relationship to count as an instance. You can then optionally insert text or tables with the count data, which updates with changes to the drawing.

There are multiple ways to access Count:

  • Right-click on a block or object, then select Count Selection from the menu.
  • Use the Count palette to count all blocks in the drawing.
  • Count specific objects within a defined boundary.

Regardless of the method to start the feature, AutoCAD enters an active count, highlighting the selected instances. 

The Count toolbar, which is affixed to the top of the drawing window, indicates the current count. Use the arrows to navigate between the instances. Use the checkmark to exit the active count and return to normal AutoCAD activities.


To select the counted instances, pick Select Counted (SELECTCOUNT for you keyboard users). When you select Count Details (the blue “i”), AutoCAD presents information on the count in the Count palette.


To (re)define the counting area, use Specify Area. This defaults to setting the area by picking two points to define a rectangular area. AutoCAD then searches for instances within the specified area.

Using the Count Palette

By default, the Count palette lists all blocks in the current drawing. Selecting a block starts an active count, highlighting all instances within the drawing. 

Launch the Count palette by selecting Count from the View tab > Palettes panel. 

When a drawing has a lot of blocks, use the Search (at the top of the palette) to find blocks by name or by the starting characters of the name. You can also limit the count to a specific area of the drawing.

To expand the count details, right-click a block within the palette and pick the desired block properties. For example, selecting Layer will expand the block to list the count by the layers of the instances that exist.

With non-blocks selected, the palette shows the current count as well as the options to group the count (layer, scale and mirror state)—the same options as when you right-click a block within the palette.

Using Count

With an object or objects is selected, you can right-click it and then select Count Selection from the menu. This automatically uses instances from the entire drawing; however, you can define an area by using the option (Specify Area) in the Count toolbar.

When you select a single object, AutoCAD highlights all instances, even those contained within blocks and groups. 

When you select multiple objects, AutoCAD looks for identical instances of the same object combination and counts it as one instance.

With Count, you can start by selecting the region of the drawing to count objects. By default, this is done by picking two points to set the rectangular counting area. Using the options (command line or right-click menu), you can create polygonal areas or set the area to the entire model space or an existing object (closed polyline). Use the Current area to use the last area defined in the previous count session.

Next, select the target objects. As is the case with objects, you want to count these. Just as with Count Selection, AutoCAD considers multiple selected objects as one instance. You can optionally use List all blocks, which launches the Count palette (if it is not already open) that lists all blocks within the drawing and the number of each.

Count Details

In the Count toolbar, select Insert Count Field. Select a point within the drawing. This inserts a field (MText) of the current count. Because this is a field, the software automatically updates as you add or remove instances of the counted object. You can edit the text after the count is inserted.

You can use Create Table (from the Count palette) to insert the counted blocks with their counts. From within the palette, select the blocks to include and then select Insert. Pick a point within the drawing. AutoCAD uses fields for the count, meaning that it updates as you add or remove instances. Note that it will use the active table style, but you can change it later.


Not all object types are available to be counted and AutoCAD will exclude them from the count. This includes text, hatch, images, point clouds and most 3D objects. You can find the entire list of excluded object types in the help files for Count.

Written by

Mike Thomas

Initially a tech for an Autodesk reseller, Mike later became the Technical Services Manager for a mining equipment manufacturer. Responsible for guiding technical operations and fostering strategic growth, Mike has a strong grasp of CAD, PDM, and ERP, with a focus on optimizing systems and technology to enhance interdepartmental communication and overall efficiency. His dedication extends to ensuring the support of the company's computer systems, a crucial element in maintaining the company's competitive edge. By harmonizing the strategic technical plans with those of the CEO, they collectively drive the company towards innovative solutions and sustainable progress.