Add tolerances and control decimal precision even if they’re controlled by one callout.
In this week’s SOLIDWORKS tutorial video, users will learn how to add tolerances and control decimal precision for various dimensions even if they’re controlled by the same callout.
Specifically, the video shows how users can control the tolerance display and decimal precision for various hole elements. Let’s review the process.
To bring up the “Tolerance/Precision” option box, select your drawings callout and the property manager should appear. The “Tolerance/Precision” box is located under the “Value” tab.
Users can then select a single value from the “Callout value” dropdown menu for editing purposes. The drop menu below allows users to select what tolerance type to use.
In the example shown in the video, we selected “Bilateral” as our desired tolerance type. This allowed us to change the selected values maximum and minimum deviations.
Within the “Unit Precision” dropdown menu, users can specify the decimal precision of the main value. Be aware, if you change the unit precision here it will override the precision set in the document properties.
The “Tolerance Precision” dropdown menu allows users to specify the decimal precision of the tolerance.
Remember that when editing your values, refer to the “Callout value” dropdown menu to switch between diameter, depth, counterbore diameter and counterbore depth.
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About Author

Sam Sanchez is an Applications Engineer with SolidProfessor and a CSWP. Sanchez is an alumni of UC San Diego, and in her free time enjoys 3D printing and hanging out with her dog Ruby. You can see more training videos on a wide range of CAD, CAM& BIM topics at