Control 3D printing post production processing from mobile app

Link3D announces the availability of its first ever mobile app: Post-Production Management App. This application will change the way companies and organizations manage their post-production processes and provide a streamlined flow by allowing quick and efficient management of 3D printed parts.

The Post-Production Management App lets teams maximize and optimize end-to-end processes in conjunction with the Production Dashboard that automatically keeps track of queued, completed, and failed parts.

With the app, Link3D customers will be able to:
• Locate parts by (1) scanning a QR code (2) filtering by tasks (3) Work Center hub
• Review and update the status at each step from “Not Started” to “Arrived,” “In Progress,” “Completed,” or “Failed”
• Automatically route the parts through a series of Work Centers defined by the traveler
• Manage yield by tracking how many parts were completed successfully at each Work Center, and how many require reprinting
• Track Failure Reasons for each Work Center to increase traceability of yield management on the production floor
• Track the labor and machine hours required to complete each Post Process for different parts and Work Orders
• Complete pre and post-checklists to ensure that the technician successfully followed all work instructions
• Upload and view documentation / images for traceability of what is happening at each Work Center
• View Additional Order Details to provide context for the full order including Customer Information and detailed production requirements for a given part
