New full-size and compact scan stations designed based on customer survey data.
The Scan Station Pro is a full-size, wide-format scanner that can take 626 scans per hour. The SD One+ is a reply by Contex to customer feedback that led them to create this compact and fully featured wide-format scanner.

The version of the Scan Station Pro pictured here features the HD Ultra Scanner rather than the IQ Quattro. (Image courtesy of Contex.)
Scan Station Pro
Driven by Contex’s proprietary Nextimage REPRO software, the Scan Station Pro may actually make the end-to-end process 30 percent more efficient by taking away the step of rescanning original documents during any stage of the scanning process.
With what the company calls REimage technology (the hardware and software together), a user can return to RAW scans in order to select different content that wasn’t used in first file formats. This means that the amount of time spent preparing scans as well as validating and archiving them takes a nosedive. If you’re spending less time on your wide-format scans, that time cost comes back to you in the form of operating costs and more profits. Investing in the Scan Station Pro may be worth your time, and here’s what it’s packaged with:
- IQ Quattro or HD Ultra Scanner
- 21.5-in, full-HD touchscreen
- Fully featured Nextimage REPRO software
- A high stand, or a low, height-adjustable stand
- PC basket and keyboard tray

Click here for the full list of tech specs.
SD One+
The SD One+ responds to customer feedback that indicated the company should include dedicated scanning software and install a control panel on the scanner to make it easier to use. Contex has obliged in the form of the SD One+ and also made it compact, responding to feedback that customers wanted to be able fit it into an office setting and be able to put it into operation on top of a desk. The optional stand allows users to put it into operation next to any other equipment. There are a few other noteworthy features:
- It comes in two sizes—a 24-in model (scanning up to 610 mm wide) that scans documents up to A1 / D, and the 36-in model (scanning up to 914 mm wide) that scans documents up to and including the A0 / E size.
- It is cloud-enabled—you can send your scans directly to a laundry list of cloud storage providers like, and Google Drive.
- It supports scanning in full color, black, white or greyscale and produces TIF, PDF and JPG files.
NextImage Software
The free scanning software requires registration and is available to download. If you haven’t registered, you can sign up for a trial version. The software doesn’t require anything special from your average workstation, so no need to worry.
File formats supported |
TIF, JPG, PDF or PDF/A files |
Working with image files |
Integrated viewer with simple scanning tools Auto detection of document size and background suppression |
Operating systems |
32- and 64-bit Windows 8, 7 and Vista |
System requirements |
1.66-GHz dual-core processor 2 GB RAM 7200-rpm SATA hard drive with 5 GB free space High-speed USB interface |
See? Pretty standard requirements. If you’re in the market for a new full-size or compact wide-format scanner, the Scan Station Pro and SD One+ may be worth investing some time and consideration.