Concept Laser, a pioneer in the field of laser melting with metals, reported above-average growth figures in the first half of 2014. Rapidly growing acceptance of generative manufacturing in markets and the attractiveness of laser melting systems from Concept Laser are reflected in the above-average growth figures. In terms of incoming orders, 45 machines have been ordered in the first half of 2014 (previous year: 31 machines). This is equivalent to growth of 45% compared to last year. Sales have increased by 100% compared to the previous year as a result of the growing number of large systems being sold.
“The aerospace industry is a significant sector for us and is now increasingly relying on generative manufacturing strategies,” said Oliver Edelman, Head of Sales and Marketing, Concept Laser. “The brackets we produce for Airbus serve as an example of how lightweight construction elements for aircraft can be produced in the future. Additive manufacturing instead of milling is now increasingly the slogan among production experts. Of course, the dynamic development of markets such as China and the USA generally contributes to further anchoring this positive development.We are significantly ahead of our performance projections.”
The company’s success is based on its consistent technical orientation. As a pioneer in the field of laser melting with metals, the company has acquired many patents and produced a number of innovations during its almost 15 years of successful operation. When it comes to complex systems, it’s important to ensure a wide-ranging interplay between optics, design, control technology, software and the powder material. Across the sector, the company’s strong commitment to research and development of system technology and materials certification are considered exemplary. For instance, Concept Laser’s new development center began operations in early 2014 to further consolidate its position as technology leader and further expand its process and system technology expertise with innovations.
Many industries are increasingly relying on generative laser melting with metals. Industries driving this development include the aerospace and medical/dental industries. It’s no surprise that the list of customers from the first half of 2014 reads like a “who’s who” in these industries. According to Edelmann, they include customers from the service sector, such as the FineLine Prototyping, division of Proto Labs (USA), and Fr. Aussieker (Germany). FloMet LLC (USA) represents the tool construction industry, while Stomus (Russia), Dentware AB (Sweden) and Dentes Fräszentrum (Germany) are important customers from the dental sector. “In particular, it was the aerospace industry with customers such as Honeywell (USA), NASA (USA), Lockheed Martin (USA), Premium Aerotec (Germany) and the German Aerospace Center (Germany), that contributed to the strong growth of sales figures,” concluded Oliver Edelmann.
Concept Laser