Composite Structural Analysis is Now Better Optimized

Do you work on composite layups and require weight optimization? Then find solutions quicker with the latest release of Hypersizer.

Collier Research Corporation recently released version 7 of its flagship product Hypersizer.

Users of Hypersizer, such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Bombardier, Gulfstream, and NASA, will find a more efficient user interface that requires fewer inputs to perform the same functions.  Users will also notice a more efficient solver, able to handle extremely large finite element models and compute them faster.

Hypersizer works alongside your existing FEA software like Patran, Nastran, FEMAP, Ansys, and Abaqus.  Hypersizer takes the FE solves and optimizes composite and metallic structures from preliminary design through final certification.  Reduce weight and improve margins through iterative solving between Hypersizer and your existing simulation tool.

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