Set Architecture to Stunning with this USS Enterprise inspired office building

NetDragon’s office building is modeled on the USS Enterprise-E
It appears that an architect went where no architect has gone before with this office building shaped like the USS Enterprise-E.
The building was made to house the videogame company NetDragon.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the specs of this landed starship are as follows:
- Class: Office Building
- 260 m long
- 100 m wide
- 6 decks… sorry floors
- 600 million yuan ($97 million)

USS Enterprise-E Travels through a nebula in Star Trek: First Contact. Image courtesy of Paramount Pictures, CBS Studios and Memory-Alpha.
The Enterprise-E, on the other hand has the following specs:
• Class: Sovereign
• 675 m long
• 240 m width
• 24 decks
• “The economics of the future are somewhat different… You see money doesn’t exist in the 24thcentury.” Captain Jean Luc Picard, Star Trek: First Contact.
Too bad for NetDragon’s founder Liu Dejian. If he just waited another 358 years he could have constructed this building for free. But for now he can have solace in the knowledge that “fate protects fools, little children and [office buildings] named Enterprise,” Commander William Riker, Star Trek TNG: Contagion.

USS Voyager landed on Hanon IV, Voyager: Basics Part 1. Image courtesy of Paramount Pictures, CBS Studios and Memory-Alpha.
If you asked me though, it looks more like the USS Voyager after a landing