Cloud Computing and Collaborative MBSE Comes to HyperWorks enables engineers to assemble their cloud computing environments with resources they choose from a wide range of applications.

Custom cloud computing appliances can be accessed from most devices. (Image courtesy of PBS Works.)

Custom cloud computing appliances can be accessed from most devices. (Image courtesy of PBS Works.)

Engineers can now assemble their own cloud computing environments from resources they select with the new solution.  Developed by PBS Works, a security and workload management provider affiliated with global engineering software and resource developer Altair, the tool enables users to combine cloud resources. With, users can model, build and run high performance computing (HPC) appliances on public and private cloud systems, bare-metal infrastructures, and their own hardware.

Users can “mix and match” resources to configure their HPC

Engineers can configure and manage cloud resources using (Image courtesy of PBS Works.)

Engineers can configure and manage cloud resources using (Image courtesy of PBS Works.)

solution, thanks to key features of, such as:

  • Multi-Cloud Management: Users can combine resources from multiple cloud providers or their own private network. They can also change resource allocation as needed as cost, availability and load requirements change.
  • Security Management: Users can set and control security policies, access control and rights management.
  • Lifecycle Management: Users can create, deploy and remove appliances as needed to meet current resources and demand.
  • Deployment Management: Users can deploy and manage complex infrastructures quickly and easily without the need for expert-level programming and HPC management skills.
  • Cost Management: Users can set quotas and optimize resource consumption to limit costs and manage the cost-effectiveness of appliances.

You can try for free at this link, or learn more about the solution on the PBS Works website.

Engineers can connect engineering analysis with system models by adding the ModelCenter tool from the HyperWorks simulation platform.  Users can create and automate a multitool workflow within the framework of ModelCenter to integrate analysis performed using different platforms and using tools from multiple vendors. Users can select the optimal analysis or simulation tool from preferred vendors and interconnect the input and output data to form a single unified workflow.



 Engineers can customize workflows with ModelCenter. (Image courtesy of Altair.)

Engineers can connect the engineering analysis to the systems model using the ModelCenter MBSEPak. With this model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach, users can combine preprocessing, solving, post-processing, visualization and reporting tools from various sources to enable multidisciplinary analysis, validation and simulation.

Users can integrate their preferred tools from nearly any software application into the ModelCenter workflow.  For example, user-generated tools, legacy FORTRAN programs, C++ applications, spreadsheets, mathematical models, databases, models from CAD tools, CAE models, and others can be combined into the workflow.  Users can then optimize the workflow to use HPC resources, iterate part or all of the workflow with different data, and manage the results.  Engineers can very quickly explore and optimize performance, cost, reliability and risk for a number of different design alternatives using this approach.

To learn more, visit the ModelCenter website.