Chinese company invests in composite software for wind blade development

The company plans to use FiberSIM® composites software to help streamline its design-to-manufacturing process to keep pace with rapidly growing wind power market demand.
Given this lofty goal, the Sinomatech design team was faced with multiple challenges, including increasing the speed of blade design and production and improving the quality and repeatability of manufactured blades.

The design department selected FiberSIM because it meets a number of important criteria, including enabling:
•    Faster design cycles, enabling more trade off  studies for improved blade configuration and reduced weight
•    More accurate and detailed composite part and assembly definition
•    Support for rapid iterations between design and analysis for earlier and better blade optimization
•    Enhanced composites producibility simulation for early detection of manufacturing issues and rapid feedback to design
•    Seamless linking from design to production with support for automated cutting, laser positioning, and electronic documentation.
