Chinese Chain Gun Can Destroy Almost Every Hypersonic Missile

Hypersonic missiles beware, China’s newest ship-mounted autogun will cut down nearly any projectile. 

china, military, gun, missile, navy,

Yesterday we reported on China’s 10-ton Coast Guard Cutter, and today news has arrived that the world’s largest nation has developed a ship-based autogun capable of destroying nearly any incoming target, even if it’s hypersonic.

According to Russian media the new weapon, called the Type 1130, is meant to counter anti-ship missiles and enemy aircraft by running through 10,000 30mm rounds per minute, effectively creating a defensive curtain wherever its turret swivels. With a rate of fire that would see 167 pieces of lead leave the gun’s 11 barrels every second, experts predict that the Type 1130 will have a 90% chance of intercepting any incoming targets.

While the Chinese Navy’s new cannon might be capable of neutralizing most incoming threats, I wonder how it would fare against Lockheed Martin’s Skynet-inspired anti-ship missile? Can a missile capable of predicting outcomes, collaborating with other weapons and redefining its own mission path still be brought down by a brute force attack?

Source: IBT