“CheerLights” – Social Network Christmas Treat

Created by ioBridge Labs, the CheerLight is a projects that “allows people’s lights all across the world to synchronize [and] stay linked based on social networking trends. It’s a way to connect physical things with social networking experiences and spread cheer at the same time.”

The Cheerlight project uses Twitter to project a “universal” color onto the LCD screens of every CheerLight across the globe.  To change the color of the CheerLight’s LCD, all one has to do is post a tweet with the hashtag #cheerlight, followed by the color of their choice (white, warmwhite, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, magenta).

Pete Prodoehl over at Rasterweb upped the ante on the CheerLight project by putting together an .stl file of a Christmas tree that frames the color changing LCD and its network link. Now you can 3D print your own social network Christmas cheer!


Read More at RasterWeb

Images Courtesy of Pete Prodoehl