Computer too slow for CFD analysis? A mini-cluster of two or more multicore machines can slash analysis times and provide better optimization.
You can dramatically speed simulations for complex flow and thermal projects by using the latest CFdesign high performance computing (HPC) Module. The module allows you to harness the power and investment of existing Windows HPC networks, whether in a data center or a smaller cluster environment. The module, introduced by Blue Ridge Numerics, allows more design studies to be completed in less time and reduces the time it takes to achieve solutions for large complex models. You will benefit from the decreased time required to optimize flow and thermal performance during the digital design phase, resulting in increased productivity and a more optimized final product design.
The HPC Module cuts analysis time as more computer cores are added to the mini-cluster used. Two 4-core computers run about four times as fast as the baseline system.
Results verify benefits
These examples illustrate the increased speed for simulations spanning natural convection, HVAC airflow patterns, and drilling in the oil & gas industry.
• The HPC Module reduced a natural convection simulation solution time by increasing speed 550% (5.5X) during a design study conducted to optimize surface cooling of a commercial jet in a hanger after exposure to full sun. (A cluster of 4 computers with 16 cores was used.)
• During an energy audit of a university laboratory, the HPC Module increased speed to optimize the lab’s HVAC airflow patterns by 525% (5.25X). (A cluster of 4 computers with 16 cores was used).
• In a study to improve internal flow of liquids in a tricone bit used by the oil & gas industry, the HPC Module increased speed by 400% (4X). (A mini-cluster of 2 computers with 8 cores was used).
Gain benefits without breaking the bank
CFdesign users can implement the HPC Module in a data center or on a simple and cost-effective HPC mini-cluster, sharply increasing productivity of analysis programs from both small or large companies. Even a modest two-computer Windows HPC mini-cluster with the CFdesign HPC Module creates enough horsepower to speed up solutions by 400%. As an example, a transient pump simulation might have previously taken 10 hours, but with the mini-cluster setup, the time is
reduced to 2.5 hours. The time saved can be used to test additional designs or move on to the next project, providing asignificant increase in productivity.
The CFdesign HPC Module delivered simulation results 400% faster for this tricone drilling bit application commonly found in the oil & gas industry. The dramatic speedup was achieved on an economical mini-cluster using Windows HPC 2008 and two 4-core computers.
Create your mini-cluster
To create a simple two-computer mini-cluster, all that is needed to use the power of the CFdesign HPC Module is to use components similar to these. (A Dell system has been used as an example, but could be replicated with HP or other similar computers. Additional computers can be added to the setup at an extra cost.)
• Two Dell T7400 desktops running Windows Server 2008 HPC Edition with HPC Pack installed.
• Two Mellanox Infiniband Host Channel Adapters (HCAs). One HCA is required for each PC, each with Mellanox drivers including Network Direct support and OpenSM Infiniband Fabric Manager.
• One Infiniband cable connecting the two Mellanox Infiniband HCAs
• CFdesign v10 and the HPC Module are available as an integrated, associative solution for Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, CoCreate, NX, Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, and SpaceClaim.
Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc.
::Design World::
Source: :: Design World ::